How to Avoid Hurting Your Back on Moving Day

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Moving with horses

Our horses are such an important part of our lifestyle and our family. We are moving next year for my husband's work and one of the most stressful aspects is organising the horse transport. We've done this before and it always turns out okay, but it doesn't make the next time any easier. We can replace our furniture if it gets lost or broken, but our horses are part of our family. This blog is all about organising large animal transport across state lines and has a range of tips to make the process as not stressful as possible for both the animals and the owners.


How to Avoid Hurting Your Back on Moving Day

21 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you've had problems with your back in the past, then you'll be keen to avoid hurting it again. If you're about to move home, then you know that you need to take extra care on the day of your move. There's a lot of ways you could hurt your back.

To keep yourself as safe as possible, take extra care on the day. The following tips may be helpful.

Learn How to Lift

Some people injure their backs because they pick up heavy items the wrong way. For example, they lean forward to get a grip on something they want to lift and then straighten their back up to lift it. This movement can hurt your back or even throw it out. It's safer to lift with your legs than your back. So, for example, try to squat down before you lift something. Then, straighten your legs to get in a standing position as you lift.

Get Extra Manpower

You may also hurt your back if you try to lift something that is too heavy. This may also happen if you lift a lot of medium-heavy loads over a short period of time. Make sure that you have plenty of help on the day, especially when you move heavy stuff like sofas, beds and wardrobes. The more you can spread the weight of a heavy item, the less weight you'll have to carry which, in turn, puts less stress on your back.

It may also help to have an extra pair of hands when you're moving boxes. While it may seem a waste of manpower for two of you to carry a heavy box that you could technically carry alone, this also helps keep your back in good health. Local friends or removalists can provide the extra hands you need.

Use a Trolley

If you can get hold of a trolley, then you could speed up your move and keep your back safer. You can use the trolley to transport multiple items to your removal van at the same time. The trolley takes the weight of the load; its wheels make it easy for you to push it along. You still need to be careful not to hurt your back when you push, but this is a lot easier than carrying heavy loads.

If you are worried about how your move will affect your back or if you don't have enough help on hand to share the load, then talk to local removals company. They can sort the move out for you so you won't have to worry about being laid up with back pain in your new home.