How to Prepare for Moving Your Business to a New Location

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Moving with horses

Our horses are such an important part of our lifestyle and our family. We are moving next year for my husband's work and one of the most stressful aspects is organising the horse transport. We've done this before and it always turns out okay, but it doesn't make the next time any easier. We can replace our furniture if it gets lost or broken, but our horses are part of our family. This blog is all about organising large animal transport across state lines and has a range of tips to make the process as not stressful as possible for both the animals and the owners.


How to Prepare for Moving Your Business to a New Location

15 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Moving your business to a new location can feel both exciting and stressful. Whether the move is due to upsizing or a change in the way you deliver your services, you need to remain organised. By taking the right steps, you can make life easier for everyone involved.

Make an Inventory

Making an inventory is especially important if you're moving to a larger location. There's a chance you'll need more furniture when you get there, but you don't want to invest too much. 

Visit your new location and create a floor plan to identify what you need. If there's a shortfall, order extra furniture to your new location so that your commercial removalists don't need to deal with it. You may also find that you have too much furniture. Make sure you declutter ahead of your moving date to reduce costs.

Dispose of Unnecessary Documents

It's normal for documents to build up over time and moving to a new property is the perfect opportunity to get rid of them. Whether it's confidential information or policies and procedures you no longer need, there's no room for outdated documents in your new office.

If you do need to ditch unnecessary documents, make sure you use disposal processes that protect confidential information. For example, shredding everything. If you're unsure as to whether a document is necessary, check with the relevant department before disposing of it.

Create a Log of Important Tech

While you don't want to damage anything during the move, damaging tech items such as laptops and printers can prove especially expensive. Well ahead of the move, you need to create an inventory of the tech you have onsite and share it with your commercial removalists.

It's important to create a signing in/signing out system for high-value items. When you leave them with the removalists, you sign them out of your old building. When you load them into your new property, you sign them into there. That way, you can easily identify if anything goes missing.

Involve Your Employees

While you're responsible for moving essential items such as furniture and tech, you're not responsible for anything your employees choose to bring to work. Because of this, you need to set deadlines for them to pack up their stuff ready for the move.

Make sure employees don't just focus on their desks. Ask them if they've left anything in kitchens, breakout rooms, and any other communal areas. That way, you won't need to worry about complaints arising due to missing items.