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Moving with horses

Our horses are such an important part of our lifestyle and our family. We are moving next year for my husband's work and one of the most stressful aspects is organising the horse transport. We've done this before and it always turns out okay, but it doesn't make the next time any easier. We can replace our furniture if it gets lost or broken, but our horses are part of our family. This blog is all about organising large animal transport across state lines and has a range of tips to make the process as not stressful as possible for both the animals and the owners.


The Hazards of Moving Your Home Furniture Without Professional Help

16 July 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Moving to a new home is a significant life event that often comes with its fair share of stress and challenges. One common dilemma that many people face when moving is whether to hire a professional furniture moving company or attempt to do it themselves. While the DIY approach may seem like a cost-effective solution, there are several dangers and risks associated with moving your home furniture without professional help. Read More …

Ways to Help Furniture Removalists Be More Efficient During a House Relocation

11 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Often, furniture removalists charge by the hour, so it pays to ensure that your house relocation goes as speedily as possible. While lifting and loading the furniture onto the truck is in the hands of the company you hire, you can do things to help them get the job done quickly and efficiently. Here are some of them. Organisation Be prepared and organised so the removalists have clear pathways and smaller stuff isn't scattered everywhere. Read More …

Are You Moving For The First Time? All You Need To Know About Removal Services

17 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Are you moving for the first time? If you have, friends and family could have recommended using removal services. However, where do you start? Below are some insights to help you when engaging removal services for the first time.  Rely On Reviews  There are numerous removal companies in Australia. As a new client, you might not have criteria to help determine a suitable removalist. The secret is to ask friends and family to recommend removalists based on their experiences. Read More …

Three Essential Reasons to Hire Storage Space When Restumping Your Home

21 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If your home is older, there's a good chance its stumps are made of timber. Over time, these stumps can rot, making your home unstable. In that case, restumping may be necessary. This process involves replacing or repairing these stumps, which is a job best left to the professionals.  While restumping may seem like a big and expensive job, it's a reasonably straightforward process. The first step is excavating around your home's perimeter to expose the stumps. Read More …

What Will Impact the Cost of Hiring a Furniture Removalist Service?

22 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're interested in hiring a furniture removalist service to help you with your move, you could be curious about how much it's going to cost. These are some of the different things that can impact the cost of hiring a furniture removals service.  How Far Are You Moving? One of the biggest things that will impact the cost of your move is how far you are moving. Many companies will charge you per kilometre, and they might charge extra if they have to cross state lines. Read More …